Monday, February 1, 2010

The Shoreline

"The future belongs to the risk takers, not the security seekers. The more you seek security, the less of it you will have and the more you pursue opportunity, the more security you will achieve."
- Brian Tracy

It's been said that you can't sail and discover the new adventures that await you, if you are unwilling to lose sight of the shoreline. Why do we not want to lose sight of the shore? Because, the shoreline is our security. If we always stay within sight of the shoreline, we never risk going to far. The problem is though, if you never risk going to far, then you'll never realize all that you can be! Once you're willing to lose sight of the shore, you'll be in a position to experience new opportunities, new adventures and a new you.

Yes, the shoreline is a safe haven. But, Brian Tracy's quote illustrates the dichotomy of the search for security. It's by taking risks that you become more skillful, more experienced, more knowledgeable and more confident. Think of it; a person develops insecurity do to a lack of skill, lack of experience. lack of knowledge and a lack of confidence. So, it's actually by taking risks that you develop a stronger sense of security.

I ask you, are you willing to lose sight of the shorelines in your life? You won't regret it! Mark Twain once said, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

It's Your Life: Live it, Love it, Celebrate it!

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