Friday, May 29, 2009

Give Me Liberty...

"Give me liberty, or give me death!"
~Patrick Henry


Patrick Henry will forever be remembered for his speech before fellow colonists that ended with the passionate proclamation, “Give me liberty or give me death.” Patrick Henry was steadfastly opposed to Britain’s governance over the colonies. Considered one of the most influential leaders of the American Revolution, Patrick Henry had a vision of a better America. He believed that America would become a great nation, but not until the colonies were free from British Rule. British rule was too oppressive. America could never reach its full potential until the colonies were free from British governance. For Patrick Henry it was far better to die fighting for freedom than to submit to a life of oppression.

Patrick Henry’s made his famous speech in 1775 before the Virginia House of Burgesses. Although he was specifically addressing the colonies revolt against British rule, he was speaking to heart of what it means to be liberated. Liberty is freedom; freedom from control. It’s the ability to make choices; choices free from influence.

The opposite of liberty is constraint. Are you experiencing liberty or constraint? If you're experiencing constraint, what oppressive influences are in your life: negative friends, family members, coworkers and/or neighbors? What about self-imposed contraints: negative thinking, negative habits and self-destructive behaviors. Are you allowing these oppressive influences to control your life?

You’ll never be all that you’re capable of becoming if you allow yourself to be controlled by others. Controlling people will rob you of your uniqueness and will shape you into something they desire you to be. If you have controlling people in your life, now is the time to disassociate yourself from these people. If disassociation is not possible, limit your association with these people. If limitation is not possible, stand up to the person and let them know that you want to be loved for who you are and not what they are trying to make you to be. You see, if you try to be something you're not, you'll make two people unhappy in the process: yourself and the controller. Best to make only one person unhappy instead of two. Make it a point to associate with people who accept you for who you are and will support your hopes, dreams and goals.

You’ll never be all that you’re capable of becoming living with self-imposed constraints. Negative thinking produces negative behaviors; behaviors which lead to negative habits. Habits are often unconscious behavioral patterns. A habit once formed is difficult to break. The good news is however, you can break any habit. Because habits are learned through repetition, they can be unlearned through the same process. Don’t allow negative habits to control your life any longer. Since you’re the one that created them, you’re the one who can break them. Don't allow these negative habits to control you any longer. Rather, develop good habits that will assist you in living a happy, healthy and productive life.

Just as Patrick Henry longed for the colonies to be free of British influence, you too, should long to be free of all the negative influences in your life. To Patrick Henry, a life without liberty was a fate worth than death. Patrick Henry recognized the fruits of liberty would be worth the toil. Henry, the revoltionist, fought fiercely for colonial independence. Now is the time for you to put up a fierce fight for yourself. Fight for a life free of controlling influences and start enjoying life for all that it has to offer and enjoying yourself for all you have to offer life.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Faith, Family, Friends and Food

"God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers."
~Jewish Proverb

A mother’s life is characterized by giving.  It’s a giving that is truly endless.   It’s a giving that takes many, many forms.  From the very moment of conception, a mother gives of herself.   The embryo is physiologically dependent upon the mother.   It’s the mother who sustains the life of her child.  At birth, the dependency changes from a physiological dependency to an emotional, social, and physical dependency.  Webster’s Dictionary defines dependent as,” Relying on another for support.”  In order to satisfy the definition, it requires that someone receive support and someone give support.  The unbridled support that a mother gives to her child is called “Motherly Love.”  It’s the unselfish giving by a mother that reflects the essence of motherly love. "Motherly love" demands time, attention, and sacrifice.

My mother could easily be the “poster mom” for “Motherly Love.”  Her whole life has been characterized by the giving of herself.  She has put the needs of her children, husband and family well above her own needs.  The love and support that she has provided to us is immeasurable.  She’s always there when you need her and she always seems to say the just the right things at just the right time.  My mother’s presence in a room brings about a peaceful and warm feeling.  It's a feeling that everything is the way it supposed to be.  When I think about it, it shouldn’t be that surprising; being that she’s the one that gave me my life, sustained my life, and has always done her best meet all of my needs, whatever they may be.  No wonder things just seem to be right when she’s around.

My mother has demonstrated time after time that her family always comes first.  Perhaps, the most poignant example is my mother’s support of my father.  My father has achieved great success and accolades as a coach.  If it wasn’t for my mother’s support, this never would have been possible.  My mother has always encouraged and supported my father to pursue has passion.  Perhaps one of the most difficult roles to accept in life is that of a coach’s wife.  Often times, a wife can take the proverbial, “backseat” to the sport or the program.  My mother has never made it about her.  Rather, her life is about her children, husband and family.

My mother has given me so many things, both tangible and intangible, that I couldn’t begin to comprehend the extent of them.  Perhaps one of the best gifts my mother has given me is her value system.  The gift of her values has taught me what is really important in life.  The gift of a value cannot break, nor be replaced with a shiny, newer model.  Mom's gift of values will remain with me and be the focal point of my life for the rest of my life.  Her values, simple: Faith, Family, Friends and Food.

To Mom, the most important thing in life is your relationship with God.  My mother raised us in a home where faith has been the center of our lives.  Mom knew the importance of passing the gift of faith onto her children.

To Mom, your commitment to your family is second only to your relationship to God.  My mother has given to our family unselfishly and tirelessly. Mom has taught us that your family is your “rock.” Mom knew the importance of passing family values on to her children.

Of lesser importance, but still important nonetheless to Mom, is friends and food.  My mother knows the value that friends can add to you life. She loves spending time with her friends.  In most instances, mom is usually the life of a party.  In her mid-seventies, she still has swing in her step and has not lost her passion for life.  It always brings a smile to my face to see a woman who has given so much of herself to make the best of everything and enjoying what life has to offer.

Plainly put, my Mother is one heck of a cook.  She puts the meaning in “Mom’s home cooking.”  To Mom, good food represents the fruits of our labors.  The food serves as a reminder to us to be thankful for our bounty.  Mom has passed on to us the importance of friendship and the breaking of bread with family and friends.

Mom, I will never be able to repay you for all that you have done for me, all the lessons that you’ve taught me, and the love and support you have given to me. Mother, please understand that the very best way for me to describe my love for you is as follows: For as much as you love me, I in return love you same, and maybe just a little bit more!


To all you mothers, have a wonderful Mother’s Day.
A mother’s love truly does make the world go round.

It's Your Life: Live it, Love it, Celebrate it!