Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Are You Contagious?

“A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.”
-- Tom Stoppard


Recently, I heard a colleague say they had just come from the doctor’s office and were diagnosed with a viral infection. Someone asked “Are you contagious?” The colleague advised, “You should probably keep your distance, I still might be. Hearing the word “contagious” and not wanting to be affected (infected) by my colleagues condition, I decided to distance myself.

Distancing myself, I began thinking about our contagious effects. I thought about how just being in the presence of others can affect others. Contagious comes from the word “contagion.” A contagion is anything that has the tendency to spread. Contagions are not limited to the biological realm (spreading of viruses and bacteria). Our behavior and actions have a contagious effect too. So I ask you “Are you contagious?” Are you conscious of the affect your attitude and behavior has on others? Or, do you just go about your day affecting people you come in contact without much thought or consideration?

You can catch more than a virus or bacteria from someone else. A person’s bad mood and negative attitude will have an affect on those around them. The more exposure you have to negative person the more likely you are to display negative tendencies. One employee in your office, one player on your team, or one person in your group is capable of creating negative environment for all. One’s attitude definitely affects others! A rude waiter can ruin your dinner. A complaining co-worker can disrupt the office environment. A cantankerous relative can cut short the family outing - the list goes on.

There is good news! Positive attitudes are contagious too. Think about it – a smile really is contagious. It is hard not to smile when somebody smiles at you. Do you not feel somewhat energized in the presence of an enthusiastic person? What type of affect does an affable person have upon you? Being around positive people certainly has a positive effect.

It is not only important to think about how your attitude and behavior affect (infects) others, it is also important to think about how you allow the attitude and behavior of others to affect (infect) you. Pay close attention to those around you. Some associations you can choose, others, like you work co-workers, you are sort of stuck with. When you choose, choose people who will have a positive affect on you. If you happen to be stuck with a “Negative Nellie” or a “Pouting Paul” distance yourself as much as possible and keep your guard up by maintaining a positive attitude. The Good Book reminds us that keeping poor company will destroy good character - 1 Corinthians 15:33.

Remember, you are not an island. Your attitudes, both good and bad, not only affect you, but have an affect on a multitude of others. So I ask you “Are you contagious?” Are spreading a good attitude or a bad attitude. If you are one of those people who have a bad attitude, please stay home because nobody wants want you have.

It’s your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Your Wish is Your Command

“The absolutely awesome incredible power of belief is the genie in your life.” ~ Eldon Taylor

In most stories and tales about magical lamps and genies, a genie emerges from the lamp and offers to grant three wishes to whoever finds (rubs) the magical lamp. The genie is often quick to admonish that you cannot wish for more wishes. It is always three wishes; no more, no less. Perhaps, no story depicts this better than the 1992 Disney animated film, Aladdin. After Aladdin finds the lamp, the genie advises Aladdin there is a wish restriction. The genie says, “Three wishes, to be exact. And, ixnay on the wishing for more wishes. That's all. Three. Uno, dos, tres. No substitutions, exchanges or refunds.”

In the world of make believe, it is always just three wishes. Not so in the real world! There are no wish restrictions. In addition, we have no need to seach for a magic lamp. Each one of us already has a genie and our genie is with us for life. It is just too bad we do not understand the power of our genie and rely on our genie more often. Your genie has the power to grant your wishes; and there are no wish restrictions.

Our genie is our beliefs – what we believe. The power of our genie is dependent solely upon the strength of your beliefs. The more you believe the more power your genie possesses. Likewise, the more power the genie possesses the more likely your wishes will come true. Conversely, if belief is lacking, your genie is powerless, and your wishes will likely never come true.

Belief is a powerful thing. No man or woman has ever accomplished anything great without first believing it was possible. Belief is what turns a wish into reality. It has the power to the turn the intangible into the tangible; the abstract into the concrete.

Today is the day to awaken the genie within you. Your genie is ready to go to work and accomplish great things for you. There is no magic lamp to rub, no wish limitations. All you have to do is believe. Remember, in order to achieve you must first believe. Hence, your wish really can be your command.

If you want to double your chances of your wishes coming true, listen to what the Good Book says, “ And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” -- Matthew 21:22

It’s your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's Too Hot!

“Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”

~Chinese Proverb

There is no doubt about the weather being unpredictable in the great State of Michigan. You have heard it said, “If you don’t like the weather in Michigan, wait five minutes.” The saying is indicative of the fickleness of “Mother Nature” here in the Wolverine State. Case in point: Less than a week ago the temperatures were in the 60’s, the last couple of days the mercury hit the mid-90’s, and now forecaster are predicting the upper 60’s in the coming days.

The weather in Michigan can be enigmatic. This year the vernal equinox (spring) began March 20th. Spring is characterized by a gradual transition from the cold, harshness of the winter winds to the warm, softness of summer breezes. However, this year, somebody forgot to remind Mother Nature of spring’s annual role. This spring was the coldest, wettest spring that I can remember. April Showers are supposed to bring May flowers. This year, lots of April showers brought May showers and more May showers and more May showers. I cannot tell you how many times this spring I have heard people complain about the weather; rain and cold, rain and cold, rain and cold! All spring, I heard people saying things like, “It’s too cold,” “It’s too rainy,” “I wish it would warm up,” or “This has been a horrible spring.”

Yes, “Mother Nature” was not so kind to us “Michiganians” or “Michiganders” (whatever demonym you prefer) this spring. Yes, we all waited patiently for the warm weather to arrive. And, yes the warm weather is now here. But now, it is too hot! Now, people are complaining it is too hot. How quickly they forget that less than a week ago they were begging and praying for warmer weather. Now, it is too hot! Instead of being thankful that we can say good-bye to a miserable spring, now, it is too hot!

Is it really too hot, or are some people not happy unless they have something to complain about? Lets see, cold and wet – complain; hot and dry – complain. For you complainers, please do not tell us when it is too hot or too cold. We can make that decision for ourselves.

For you complainers, there are things that you can control and things that you cannot control – please understand the difference. Accept the things that you cannot control (like the weather) and make the best of the situation. And, oh yes, do it without complaining. We are not interested in your negative spin. For the things you can control, do something about it. Nothing will change unless you are willing to take action. And, oh yes, do it without complaining. We are not interested in hearing you complain about something you can fix, but choose to do nothing about it.

Are you a constant complainer? Do you have a permanent seat on the “complain train?” Remember, except for God’s love for us, nothing in life will ever be completely perfect. So, it is time that you really start appreciating life, even with its imperfections. Do not complain about what you have or what you don’t have. Be thankful! The opposite of complain is gratitude. You can complain and wallow in negativity and lack, or you can practice gratitude and bask in happiness and abundance. The choice is yours!

Young children are taught say to thank you upon receiving a gift. Children learn that demonstrating a lack of appreciation can be offensive to the gift giver. More importantly, a child should never complain about a gift received. Remember, each day is gift from God. Spending the day complaining is offensive to the gift giver. I urge you to make it a daily habit to practice gratitude. You can begin by reciting each morning, “This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad.” – Psalms 118:24

This truly is the day the Lord hath made. It may be 95 degrees, but you will not hear me complaining. And no, it is not too hot!

It is your life: live it, love it & celebrate it

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Blessing in Disguise

“What seems to us bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.”
~Oscar Wilde

Trials are difficult! Trials can cause anxiety and suffering. Trials can result in loss and separation. Trials can leave you feeling disappointed, hurt and/or frustrated. So, how could one ever find blessing from a trial? You are not likely to find a blessing from trial unless you have faith; faith that there will be a blessing. You have to believe that every adversity has within it an opportunity. The key is to believe. When you believe in something, you create an expectation. The expectation causes an awakening. Soon you begin looking for what you expect. Why do so many people miss the blessing in a trial? It is because they are not looking for it. It is really quite simple; you cannot find something unless you are willing to search for it.

Believe it or not, we create most of the trials in our life. We create the trials in our lives, because we are the ones in control of our lives. Some trials, like the loss of a love one or the physical/emotional suffering of a loved are surely beyond our control. But, most trials are created by the decisions we make or have made. Some decisions have an immediate effect; a decision is made and the trial commences soon thereafter. Other decisions have a delayed effect. The trial may not appear for days, months, or years. Since we create our trial(s), it is up to us to accept responsibility for our trial(s). It is only when you accept responsibility for your trial(s) that you can begin moving forward with ending the trial(s). Sure, the initial outcome may not always be pleasant. But, those with faith, know that the blessing in disguise will be revealed in due time. Remember, the Good Book tells us, “More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance.” – Romans 5:3.

So, the next time you are experiencing a trial know that your trial is a blessing in disguise. Have faith and be patient. An old Chinese proverb says it best, “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.”

It's Your Life: Live it, Love it, Celebrate it!