Friday, January 31, 2014

Baby It's Cold Outside

Some people grumble because roses have thorns; I am thankful that the thorns have roses.
- Alphonse Karr

Mother Nature and Old Man Winter have really teamed up on us this winter. Most recently, they've put on a “full-court press” with very frigid temperatures and wind chill readings hovering near -40 below zero. Wow! 

Yes, Mother and the Man have not been so kind to us here in Michigan and to most of our nation as well. The “dynamic duo” has made sure that this Winter Solstice will long be remembered for its bitter cold, gusty winds and relentless snowfall.

You certainly can’t traverse too far without this winter being the topic of conversation. Although I don’t consider it much of a conversation when complaining dominates the interaction. Folks, I gotta enlighten you, “its Michigan and its January.”

I hear, “It’s too cold,” “It’s too windy,” “it’s too snowy.” I could go on and on with the number/types of complaints I’ve heard. Is it really too cold? What does “too” really mean. Too is a subjective term. What might be “too” to you may be nowhere close to my definition of “too.” Is it really “too” cold or is it some people just naturally complain. For these people, when it’s cold and snowy – complain; hot and dry – complain. They’ll find something to complain about when it’s neither. If you’re a chronic complainer, please don’t tell the rest of us when it is too cold, too windy, or too snowy. We’re quite capable of making that assessment on our own.

For you complainers, there are things that you can control and things that you cannot control – please understand the difference. Try to accept the things that you cannot control (like the weather) and make the best of the situation. And, oh yes, do it without complaining. We are not interested in your negative spin on things. For those things you can control, go to work on doing something about it. Nothing will change unless you are willing to take action. And, oh yes, please do that without complaining. We are not interested in hearing you complain about something you can fix, but choose to do nothing about it.

I ask you, are you a constant complainer? Do you have a permanent seat on the “complain train?” Remember, except for God’s love for us, nothing in life will ever be completely perfect. So, instead of complaining, it’s time that you really start appreciating life, even with its imperfections. Do not complain about what you have or what you don’t have. Instead, be thankful! The opposite of engaging in complaining is practicing gratitude. Understand, you can complain and continue to wallow in negativity and lack, or you can practice gratitude and bask in happiness and abundance and enjoy all that life has to offer. The choice seems simple and it’s all yours!

By the way, “baby its cold outside” and I love it!

It's your life: live it, love it & celebrate it!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

No Regrets!

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover."
- Mark Twain

2013 is in the record books and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change what took place during the past year.  Hopefully, you experienced more triumph than tragedy, more gain than loss and more fortune than misfortune.  In retrospect, is there anything that you wish that you would have done; wish that you would not have done something; or maybe even wish that you would have done something differently?  If so, regret is renting space in your psyche. 

The feeling of regret ranges from a slight sense of disappointment to a painful sense of dissatisfaction with oneself.  The worse type of regret originates from the choices that you did not make as opposed to the choices you did make.  It is more painful to experience regret from not doing something as opposed to something that you have done.  You see, when you take action there are lessons to be learned, both good and bad.  And yes, some lessons can be somewhat painful; but they’re intended to teach us something about ourselves.  Regret from not taking action is different.  There are no real lessons to be learned.  The regret starts out slow and may even go unnoticed for a period of time.  Over time, it becomes chronic and haunting; it’s about missed opportunities; it’s about, “what I could have done;” or “what I could have become.” 

When you make choices and take action; you risk making mistakes.  If mistakes were not bad enough, there is the chance that you just might fail.  But, mistakes and failures are teaching moments.  It was Henry Ford that said, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."  There are far too many people playing it safe.  By playing it safe, they may find comfort in the here and now, but someday will pay the price of regret. 

Regret can only be cured by taking action.  If you’re regretting something you’ve done, take action and make it right.  If you’re experiencing regret from not doing something, take action and do what needs to be done. Know that it’s never too late to take action; it’s never too late to finish school, change your career, live a healthy lifestyle, rekindle an old friendship or forge a new one, embrace a spiritual relationship, or more importantly, become the person that you always wanted to become. 

Awhile back, I was walking through a cemetery and a rather plain tombstone caught my eye.  The epitaph read, “No Regrets!” It caused me to stop and think just how much regret was buried in the earth because of not taking action; how many missed opportunities were there, how much talent and skill was never developed; and how many dreams were never realized. 

You’re the landlord of your psyche and you have the power to evict “regret.”  The longer you allow regret to reside within you, the harder it is to get rid of it.  Instead, evict “regret” by taking action.  Don’t be one of those people who say, “I wish I would have…” Be one of those people who say, “No Regrets”  

It's your life: live it, love it & celebrate it!