Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Person You Become

"We become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions."

-- Aristotle, 384-322 B.C., Greek Philosopher


Outside of a physiological response to a stimuli, all other actions are a manifestation of thoughts and feelings. Deliberate action occurs when a thought, accompanied by feeling is put into action. It was "The Enlightened One," Buddha, who said, The mind is everything. What you think you become." I ask you, what type of thoughts do you allow to fill your head? Do you want to be a more compassionate person? If so, you must think compassionate thoughts, Do you want to be a more optimistic person? If so, you must think optimistically. Do you want to become a peacemaker? If so. think peaceful thoughts. You get the picture!

Remember, you and you alone control your thoughts. Nobody can think for you. Such is the case that it is you and you alone who controls your destiny. Work on controlling your thoughts. You can start by examining what you allow to have influence in your life. If you allow negative influences into your life, you'll think negative thoughts. The negative thoughts will produce negative feelings, the negative feelings will produce negative actions, and the negative actions will produce negative consequences. And, the cycle start over again.

It really is true; garbage in, garbage out! Today, make a pledge that you will make a conscious effort everyday to control your thoughts. Begin by feeding your mind with positive things. Just as you should feed your body with things that are good for it, so should you feed your mind.

Gotta go! It's feeding time!

It's Your Life: Live it, Love it, Celebrate it!

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