Monday, February 8, 2010

A Game Changer

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." - Robert F. Kennedy


Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints, the City of New Orleans and Saints fans everywhere on winning Superbowl XLIV.

POINT TO PONDER: The Saints game plan involved taking risks. They knew that in order to beat the high powered Colts offense and the speed of the Colts defense, the game plan would require taking risks.
Repeatedly blitzing Peyton Manning, the Colts quarterback, is a big gamble. The Saints understood the risk in blitzing Manning; that being that one miscue in blitz coverage could result in a touchdown by the Colts. The Saints took the risk and the Colts never scored a touchdown while the Saints were in blitz coverage.

Losing 10-3, with less than two minutes to go in the first half and with fourth down and on the Colts one yard line, Saints Coach, Sean Payton elected to go for the touchdown. The Saints understood that failing to score a touchdown on this drive may be like signing their own "death warrant." Nonetheless, the Saints went for it. They failed to score. The Colts went three and out on their next possession and was forced to punt. The change of possession lead to a Saints field goal as the half expired.

The Saints took the biggest risk of the game with the second half kickoff. The Saints started the second half by surprising the Colts and the rest of the world with an onside kick. The Saints knew that if they did not recover the onside kick, the Colts would get the ball with a short field to begin the half. The risk paid off and the Saints recovered. In took the saints just 3:19 to score a touchdown after recovering the kick. The Colts, who anticipated receiving the second half kick off and adding to their lead, were now behind for the first time in game. The Colts were stunned! Although the Colts did regain the lead in the third quarter, the damage had been done; the momentum changed. The momentum now belonged to the Saints and stayed with Saints for the rest of the game. Sports analysts try to identify the one play that changes the course of a game. They call this play the game changer. The Saints onside kick was definitely the game changer in Superbowl XLIV.

How about you; are you willing to call a play that is a game changer in your life? Are you willing to call a play that involves taking risks? Coach Payton’s call for the onside kick was not an impulsive, reckless call. It was a calculated risk; calculated because the Saints had practiced the onside kick for 10 consecutive days prior to game, and Coach Payton observed a weakness in the Colts specialty team (kick return team).

Coach Payton was willing to take several risks in Superbowl XLIV. To him, and the Saints, there would be no second guessing. There would be no, " what if…" statements. The Saints were willing to take risks because the ultimate prize was worth it. Remember, one of the worst pains that we humans will endure is the pain of regret; the wouldas, couldas and shouldas. For the Saints, there would be none of that.

Like Coach Payton, embrace taking calculated risks in your life. If you have done your homework by diligently studying the risk, you have engaged in a disciplined practice to overcome the risk, and your instincts tell you that it is right, then the risk is worth taking.

I urge you to go ahead make that call that changes your life. It only takes one game changer to turn things around to begin living like a champion. Don’t believe me, just ask the New Orleans Saints , Superbowl XLIV Champions.

It's Your Life: Live it, Love it, Celebrate it!

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