Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stealing a Base

"You cannot steal a base without a risk of getting thrown out."
- Michael J. Dillon


Life is full of risks. It's only when we take a risk that we can advance in the direction of our hopes and dreams, and reach our full potential . When you decide to take one of life's risks, remember these two simple rules of base running: don't hesitate and stay focused. One of the biggest mistakes a baserunner can make is to allow doubt to momentarily paralyze them. And so it is with life; don't let doubt paralyze you. For if you do, you'll likely remain at the same base or get thrown out trying to advanced. If we wait for the perfect time, the perfect time may never come. Often times, we may have our sights set on something, but we do not know how to achieve it. If our passion and believe are strong enough and we begin moving in the right direction, the "how to" will often find us.

The other crucial mistake that is made when stealing a base is to take your eyes off the base. A base runner must stay focused and listen to the base coach. When a base runner turns to look at the catcher, the baserunner loses speed. Although it may be a fraction of a second, a fraction of a second may make the difference. When stealing a base, a baserunner must listen to instructions from the base coach. And so it is with life; don't look back, stay focused. Don't let your past or fear slow you down. Don't lose sight of your goal. And, just as a base coach is there to assist a baserunner, listen to the coaches in your life. Listen to those people that support your efforts and want to see you achieve. Stay away from those people who do not believe in you, and are the first to offer a reason why you can't do something. Those people have never stolen a base in their life.

You've got the steal sign now - go ahead and put yourself in scoring position!


It's your life: Live it, Love it & Celebrate it!

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