Friday, December 11, 2009

The Right Questions

The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.
-- Peter Drucker


Asking the wrong questions, can demonstrate one of two things: a lack of understanding or a lack of focus. One can overcome a lack of understanding by searching for knowledge related to the issue. Generally, when one possesses a degree of knowledge about an issue, one begins to ask the right questions. Asking the right questions, should inevitable lead to the right answers.

It is more difficult to overcome a lack of focus. A loss of focus can result from several things. In order to develop and maintain your focus, focus on those things that are truly important to you. First, make a list of your values. Second, make a list of everything that you do that is important to you. Next, rank order the items by importance. If your values are not in line with your list of important things, you basically have two forces pulling in the opposite direction. The end result is a lack of focus, resulting in anxiety. Make sure that your values and behaviors are consistent. If you truly value something and your behavior is consistent with those values, its difficult to lose focus. By having the right focus, you'll ask the right questions.

Asking the right questions requires knowledge and focus. The work is done on the front end; acquire the knowledge, and develop and maintain the focus. If you're willing to do the work on the front end, you'll find you're asking the right questions and getting the right answers!

Gotta Go! Gotta few questions I need to ask and answer!

It's your life: Live it, Love it & Celebrate it!


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