Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Debt Free, Really?

"A man's indebtedness is not virtue; his repayment is. Virtue begins when he dedicates himself actively to the job of gratitude."
- Ruth Benedict


People will often set a goal to be debt free.  While that is an admirable goal, no one can ever be totally debt free.  It is true that one can be fiscally debt free; owe nobody nothing for financial consideration.  But, nobody can ever be without debt!  Why?  You are indebted to far too many people to be debt free.

To whom you might ask?  You are indebted to the following:  To your parents who gave you life, love and all kinds of support: physical, financial and emotional.  To your teachers who taught you way more than just reading, writing and arithmetic .  To doctors, nurses and medical professionals who have played a vital role in helping you maintain a healthy life.  To police officers and firefighters who work tirelessly to help keep us safe.  To the service men and women; those who have lost their lives, those who once served and those currently serving our country so we may enjoy the fruits of freedom.   To all those people who said the right thing, held our hand or simply smiled at us when we were feeling down.  The list goes on and on and on...! 

So you see you can never really be debt free.  While it may never be possible to repay all of your debt, it is possible to be truly grateful for what you have, what has been given to you, and what has been done for you.

Try practicing an attitude of gratitude it goes a long way repaying your indebtedness.

Gotta go!  Got a whole lot of debt to repay!

It’s your life:  live it, love it & celebrate it!


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