Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Two Primary Choices

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.”
- Denis Waitley

 ***30-Second Timeout Talk: 

Only two choices!  Well, that should make it easy then.  Having options is nice, but too many options can be overwhelming and complicated.  In some cases, it can lead to excessive frustration and no decision being made over the concern of making the right decision. 

So back to the “two primary choices in life.”  It really makes life easy!  When having to make a choice about changing something in your life, look at what is within your control.  For those things that are beyond your control, accept the conditions as they exist.  For those things that are within your control, accept the responsibility for changing them.”   Far too many people experience frustration, unhappiness, and depression because they exert their time and energy trying to fix things that are beyond their control.   Remember, it’s a losing proposition right from the start!  So, if a change is needed, examine what you can control and go to work on making the change.  It’s within your control so the odds are definitely in your favor!  You just have to do the work. 

So team, as you continue on in this game of life, I ask that for today you:  1) identify one thing in your life that you want to change and that you have control over and then commit to doing the work necessary for the change;  and 2)  identify one thing in your life that is outside of your control that you been trying to change (without any success) and cease all efforts in trying to make a change (if you need some help, stop trying to change another person – that doesn’t work!) Choose wisely and give it your best!

It's your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

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