Friday, June 17, 2016

The Right Thing

"Doing the right thing is not always easy and it’s not always popular, but isn’t enough that it's right.”
- Senora Ray

30-Second Timeout Talk:

This morning I heard someone say, “Wow, that’s convenient!”  When something is convenient it requires less time and/or work.  In essence, convenience really means easier.  Who doesn’t want easier?   So convenience is a good thing, right?  Not necessarily - especially when doing the “easy thing” trumps doing the “right thing.”
Sometimes it’s more convenient for us to conceal the truth instead of telling the truth (the right thing).

Sometimes it’s more convenient for us to turn a blind eye to a person in need instead of offering assistance (the right thing).

Sometimes it’s more convenient for us to make excuses instead of accepting responsibility (the right thing).

Sometimes it’s more convenient for us to avoid challenges instead of confronting them head on (the right thing).

You see, the right thing is usually not the convenient thing.   Most often, the right thing is the hard thing.  It requires more time, effort and work on your part.
Understand that if you choose convenience over doing the right thing it will come at a cost to you.  Choosing the convenient thing over the right thing compromises your values and when you compromise your values, you begin to damage your character.  Ralph Waldo Emerson once said. “No change in circumstances can repair a defect in character.  Hence, when making a choice always remember this - the right thing will always be the right thing!   Choose wisely!

It's Your Life: Live it, Love it, Celebrate it!

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