Wednesday, January 13, 2016


“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.” 

- Mahatma Gandhi –

In 2009 Kris Allen released, Live Like We’re Dying.  Allen tells us, “You only got 86,400 seconds in the day to turn it all around or to throw it all away.”  What does it mean to live like you’re dying?  It means the present moment is the only thing that is assured.  Nobody is guaranteed a tomorrow.  So live in the present moment!

How does one live like they’re dying?  They live and find the peace and beauty in the present moment.  They truly are with the people they are with.  They don’t allow intrusions from our “connected” world.  They connect with the people they are with.  They’re not distracted by a wandering mind that focuses on the past or what’s next.  The present moment is all that matters.   They look for the beauty that nature offers.  They understand that nature’s splendor has a profound impact on the senses and is a gateway to possessing a peaceful mind.  So, find beauty in people, places, and things and live like you’re dying!   

Living like you’re dying means we take calculated risks in order to learn about ourselves, grow from the experience and we become the person we were meant to be.  It means we take calculated risks and engage in those activities that we’ve always thought about doing but never had enough courage and/or time to do.  So, step out of your comfort zone and live like you’re dying.

Living like you’re dying means that we forgive.  It means forgiving ourselves for what we’ve done and/or what we should have done.  It means forgiving others for what they did or didn’t do. It means letting go of the past.  When you live in the moment, the past has no power over you.  As long as you feel regret, harbor resentment, hold grudges, and remain bitter you remain a prisoner of the past.  Being a prisoner of the past does not allow you to live in the present moment.  So, forgive and live like you’re dying.
Finally, living like you’re dying means that we are grateful to the Lord above for providing to us all at that is good and that we keep our “eye on the prize (the promise).”

It’s true that we only have 86,400 seconds in a day and that there will come a time for all us when there will be no more seconds or days.  So make the very best of the time you have and live like you're dying.

It’s your life: live it (like you're dying), love it, and celebrate it!


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