Monday, December 7, 2015

An Opportunity for Opportunites

“In the middle of every difficulty…comes opportunity.
- Albert Einstein

Adversity and problems are a part of life!  Are life problems really problems or could they offer us something?  Could our problems be opportunities in disguise?   If so, how could one ever find opportunity in the midst of adversity? Opportunity’s genesis comes from facing problems with faith, patience, and doing the work!
One must have faith that something good will come from adversity.  If you look back upon troubling times in your life, in every case you should be able to identify a life lesson that presented itself, an area of personal growth and development that occurred, and/or doors that were opened as a result of the adversity you endured.  One must be patient.  Most times, opportunities that spawn from adversity will not present itself for days, weeks, or even years to come.  Finally, one must do the work!  Thomas Edison said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”  It’s not until you are in the midst of solving your problem (doing the work) that opportunity will have a chance to come your way.
When one is suffering through adversity how does one maintain faith, patience and the strength to do the work?  Here’s a little advice – Reach Out!  Reach out to family and friends, and most importantly, reach out to the Good Lord above.  Instead of telling people how big your problems are – tell them how big your God is.  When you tell people how big your God is you’re putting your trust in him and demonstrating steadfast faith - faith that something good will indeed come.  In Ecclesiastes 3 we are told, “For every season there is a purpose under heaven.”  The verses continue on to tell us we will experience both good times and bad times; yet, both do have a purpose.  Finally, you have to do the work!  The Good Lord has equipped you with talent and abilities to overcome any and all adversity.  He has giving you all that you need – you just have to be willing to do the work! 

Always remember, adversity becomes an opportunity for opportunities! 

It’s your life: live it, love it & celebrate it!

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