Friday, March 3, 2017

The Exam

“Life is the most difficult exam. Some people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing everyone has different questions.  ” –Author Unknown

30-Second Timeout Talk:
Life is one great big exam.  Every day we must answer questions.  Some questions don’t require much thought and we can answer them almost instinctively; while other questions can be very complex and require a great deal of careful consideration.  Just like any other test our answers (words & actions) will determine our results. 

Charles Caleb Colton is credited with saying, “Imitation is the highest form of flattery.”  It’s perfectly alright to espouse the redeeming qualities of people we admire.  Who would not want to espouse the way Mother Teresa’s demonstrated love and compassion? How about the leadership qualities and visioning of Dr. Martin Luther King?  What about the qualities of your favorite teacher, favorite coach or favorite boss.  We all need role models and people we admire.  The examples they have set forth should help us in our journey of becoming the person we were designed to be.  There is and will only be one Mother Teresa, one Dr. Martin Luther King, and one you.  So be you! 

Life is a big exam and the questions on the exam are different for each and every one of us.  The Good Lord created your exam specifically for you.  Moreover, he’s created you with a unique set of DNA.  DNA designed to equip you with getting high marks on your exam.  So it does you no good to try and copy (be just like someone else) others.  Their exam is different – with a different set of questions and designed specifically for them.  Always remember, you are unique; unique purposely!  Mike Robbins says it best, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken

Here are my tests taking tips:
  1. Be self-aware.  Know who you are and determine the person that you want to become.
  2. Understand what is important to you and why it is important.
  3. Don’t be in hurry – you have the rest of your life to complete your exam. 
  4. Be willing to change.  You can always change your answers.  Progress comes from change.
  5. Live in the moment.  Appreciate the people and the experiences that that are occurring in the present moment. 
  6. Love don’t judge.  Since everyone has a different exam and you don’t know their questions, don’t judge them.  Instead, love them!  When you love others, you’ll easily find all the right answers to the questions your exam.  Love always prevails!  Remember, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins (wrong answers).” 1 Peter 4:8 (NIV). 

Here’s to achieving 100% on your exam!  

It's your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!


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