Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I Just Want to Say Thank You!

“That which does not kill us, makes us stronger”
- Friedrich Nietzsche

30-Second Timeout Talk:

I have been blessed to have had so many wonderful people teach me so many things about life; my parents, my siblings, relatives, friends, mates, acquaintances, and even strangers. Your guidance, counsel, impact, and influence on my life have been profound. To all of you, I say thank you! I’ve also been fortunate to have not very many, “not so wonderful people” teach me a thing or two about life. And, to you, I say thank you too!

You’re might be wondering why would you thank the “not so wonderful people?” The not so wonderful people are those people in your life who intend to create problems for you. Their motives are self-serving. These people delight by intending to destroy your reputation, your career and/or relationships. When you become the victim of the “not so wonderful people” of the world, the experience is emotionally distressing. Knowing that someone is trying to destroy your life can be “gut-wrenching.”

It’s “gut-wrenching until you figure out that the “not so wonderful people,” who are intending to tear you down are actually building you up. You see, the “not so wonderful people” are motivated by envy. You have or possess something they lack. In the process of attempting to tear you down (taking away what you have), they unknowingly teach you valuable lessons about yourself and about life! It’s when you embrace the learning opportunities that you begin the process of “building-up.” Talk about a plan backfiring – someone who wants to destroy you actually makes you a better, stronger person!

So yes, I say thank you! Thank you to everyone who has taught me about myself and about life. You all have had a great influence on my life. A special thank you to the few “not so wonderful,” you unknowingly, have perhaps, taught me some of the greatest lessons I have ever learned!

Here’s to better and stronger!

It's your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

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