Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Seasons of Life

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”
- Ecclesiastes 3:1


The snow is melting and spring is just around the corner. Soon, we will officially say good-bye to old man winter. Gone will be a season characterized by coldness, darkness and dormancy. Winter will be replaced by a new season. The dormancy of winter will give way to Spring’s rebirth.

Just like nature's seasons, we also experience seasons in our lives. Unfortunately, we will all experience “winters.” "Winters" are the times when we face adversity and hardship. We get through the “Winters” of our lives by having faith that things will change. It is our faith that pulls us through the cold and darkness of the “winters.” We have faith that a new season will emerge, leaving the old season behind. Our faith in the seasons tells us winter won’t last forever and that Spring always follows Winter.

The seasons teach us that nothing last forever. Winter gives way to Spring, Spring gives way to Summer, Summer to Fall and Fall to Winter. The seasons teach us that life is a circular process; opportunity follows adversity and adversity follows opportunity. We will all have times of opportunity and abundance, and times of adversity and deficiency. It is during the times of opportunity and abundance that we should prepare for the seasons of adversity and deficiency. Whereas, it is during the times of adversity and deficiency that we must have faith and look forward to seasons of opportunity and abundance.

If you are struggling with one of those "winters” in your life, take heed that Spring will come. Most times, it doesn’t come as soon as we wish for, but it will come! The Good Book tells us, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” (Gen 8:22)
The best way to weather the “winter” is to have faith and stay close to those who will warm your spirit and your soul: God, your family and friends.

Hang in there! It won’t be long before you can hear the birds of the air singing in jubilation that Spring has arrived.


It's your life: live it, love it & celebrate it!

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