Monday, March 1, 2010

Putting the Extra in Ordinary

"The difference between extraordinary people and ordinary people is a simple as the difference between the two words. Extraordinary people are committed to doing the extra things that ordinary people won't."
~ Christine Kinney


Nothing in life is free: You want something, you need to work at it. It is the law of reaping and sowing. The farmer cannot have an extraordinary harvest, unless he plants an extraordinary field and cultivates it extraordinarily. It takes extraordinary work! If the farmer plants and cultivates with mediocrity the harvest will be mediocre. What do you think the harvest will look like, if the planting and cultivating was done poorly?

If you want to be an extraordinary person, then you need to commit to working when everyone else is sleeping. This is not to be taken in the literal sense, as sleep is important for recharging the body and mind. What this means is that you have to be willing to put forth the extra effort. For the basketball player, it may mean staying after practice every night and working on your game while the others players have left to go home. For the "A" student, it may mean studying while all of your friends are at the big game. For the young professional it may mean working on your group project over the weekend while the other members of your team spend their weekend socializing. You get the picture!

Extraordinary people know that if they work extraordinarily hard early on in life, a bountiful harvest awaits them. They know that working as hard as they can, as early as they can, gives them the opportunity to do the things that they want to do, as long as they can.

Want to be extraordinary, simply put the extra in the ordinary!


It's your life: Live it, Love it & Celebrate it!

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