Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Choosing Your Life Plan

"You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. "
- Joan Baez

Christians believe that an individual's life span is determined by God's master plan. Because it's God's plan, it doesn't make sense for we as humans to try an interpret why and when God calls us home. There is no way possible for us to explain in human terms what God has designed. We are not suppose to be able to understand, it is not a human plan. We are, however, suppose to have faith in God's plan for all of us.

No, we do not to choose how we are going to die, or when. That's God's plan. We do however, get to choose how we live. That's God's plan too! When God created man and woman, he gave them dominion over all of the earth. What sets us apart from every living creature is free will; the freedom to choose.

Humans are not hard-wired to live a certain lifestyle. Humans are the only living creature that can alter it's direction in life. An acorn is an acorn. With the proper soil and water, the acorn grows into the oak tree. The acorn has a rigid genetic code. The acorn, by itself, cannot one day decide to alter it's direction in life. As an oak tree, it cannot one day decide this fall, I will not shed any of my leaves. Certain animals hibernate in the winter; not by choice, but according to their genetic code. A bear cannot one day decide, this winter I'm not going to hibernate.

Humans have the ability to choose. We have the ability to change the direction of our lives. We cannot change the past, but we can create our future. In order to alter the direction in your life, you must first take complete responsibility for where you are at currently in your life. You can't point the finger at any one else. It's true that people in your past may have influenced you, but you chose to allow that influence to become a part of your life. The choice was yours! When you accept responsibility for your life up to this point, you'll experience a freedom; a freedom to choose a different life. When one denies this responsibility, one is not capable of choosing a different life, because they have given up their power of choice. Their life was created, not be their choosing, but by several external factors which exert control over their life.

You can decide how you are going to live, because God gave us the gift of free will. Keep in mind that God has a master plan. Most certainly, there is date and time set aside for each of us. But until that time, remember that God has given you power to be the engineer of your life's plan. Take steps now so that when God's plan for you is finally executed, people will say that not only was your life plan well designed, but it was well executed.


It's your life: Live it, Love It & Celebrate it!

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