Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Thought

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.
-- Cicero

Gratitude fosters compassion. One cannot possess an attitude of gratitude and be indifferent at the same time.

Gratitude fosters benevolence. One cannot possess an attitude of gratitude and be selfish at the same time.

Gratitude fosters respect. One cannot possess an attitude of gratitude and be contemptuous at the same time.

Gratitude fosters generosity. One cannot possess an attitude of gratitude and be stingy at the same time.

Gratitude fosters kindness. One cannot possess an attitude of gratitude and be cruel at the same time.

Gratitude fosters contentment. One cannot possess an attitude of gratitude and be covetous at the same time.

Gratitude fosters resourcefulness. One cannot possess an attitude of gratitude and be wasteful at the same time.

This Thanksgiving think of all the gifts that you have in your life. Give thanks for all that you have been blessed with, and more importantly, tell those who have made a difference in your life how special they are to you. For if you do, you'll discover what Cicero preached over 2000 years ago. Amazing, some things never change!

Thanks to all of you who have influenced my life in one way or another. I've been extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful family, great friends and exceptional colleagues.
Thanks to all of you who so generously accept these e-mails, and for forwarding some on to your friends and family.

It's Your Life: Live it, Love it, Celebrate it!

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