Thursday, November 12, 2009

Did I

Did I make someone giggle, smile or laugh today?

Did I take the time to really listen to someone today?

Did I allow myself to focus on all the blessings in my life today instead of contemplating the things I don't have?

Did I let go today, let go of resentments and prejudices that I have been holding onto?

Did I keep my word today?

Did I make a conscious choice just to be happy today?

Did I stop caring about what other people think of me, and give myself permission to be who I am regardless of their opinion of me?

Did I contribute something beautiful to the world today? A new creation of some kind, a poem, a dinner, a dance?

Did I make it a point to be kind to everyone I came in contact with today?

Did I enrich someone else's life today?

Did I learn something new today, something about life, something about another, or something about myself?

Did I let go of my attachment to being right today, and open my mind to the possibility of another way, without judgement?

Did I help to answer someone's prayers today?

-- Adapted from In a Dream, You Can Do Anything by Veronica Hay
How dramatically would your life change or how much happier would you be if "Did I" became your mantra? What would happen if you were constantly reminded of "Did I?" How about making little card/notes with "Did I" inscribed upon them. Put one in your wallet/purse, put one on your desk/workstation at school/work, put one on your bathroom mirror, put one on your dash/visor of your car, put one anywhere were you'll be reminded of "Did I." After a period of time, the visual reminders will give way to permanent thought and permanent thought produces likewise behavior. Once "Did I" I becomes a focal point in your life, you'll be able to answer the 'Did I" questions with "Yes I Did." Not only will you be happier but those around you will be happier too!

It's Your Life: Live it, Love it, Celebrate it!

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