Monday, April 28, 2008

Anniversary Gratitude

In the past, I talked about the positive energy that one derives from being grateful. Life is about energy and when we're grateful for our gifts, more gifts come our way. If you have gratitude in your heart, you'll have abundance in your life. Make it a point to be grateful for the many gifts you possess.

Today, I find myself reflecting particularly on one aspect in my life that I have much to grateful for. April 28th is one of the most significant days of my life. This day serves as reminder to me of the following gifts that I have in my life :

the gift of love,
the gift of a soul mate,
the gift of companionship,
the gift of friendship,
the gift of raising children,
the gift of family
the gift of marriage, and
most importantly, the gift of my wife, who makes all of the above possible.

Happy Anniversary Cindy!

It's your life; live it, love it & celebrate it!

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