Monday, March 17, 2008


Happy Saint Patrick's Day

An Irish Proverb
"May you never forget what is worth remembering, or remember what is best forgotten."

St. Patrick's Day is day when the Irish remember and celebrate their heritage. March 17th is a day of rememberence. For us, it can be a day to set aside some time remember our history. More importantly, the people in our lives who have had made a significant impact. It may have been your parents, your siblings, a teacher, a coach, a neighbor, a friend, a boss, a coworker or somebody else. Don't let the passing of years erode the memories of people who have help shape our lives. If the person has since passed away, pause and spend a little time honoring their memory. Say a prayer of thanksgiving for the privilege of having such a person in your life. If the person is still living, send them a note of thanks. Let them know how much they have impacted your life. Often times, a person does not truly realize the profound impact they've had on someone else's life. After all, if a person has made a difference in your life, they're certainly deserving of being recognized for that. Take 5 minutes to write a thank you note; it will be the best 5 minutes that you spend today. In the process you will make two people feel better: yourself and someone else!

Also today, make it a point to let go of a grudge. Harboring a grudge is self-defeating. The only one that loses is you A grudge robs you of energy; energy that could be used on productive things. A grudge does nothing to the other person. While you are caught up in a whirlwind of negative emotion, which is physically draining, they go about their business unaffected by your grudge. Remember, it is your grudge. You maintain ownership of it. Since you maintain ownership of it, you have the choice to let go of it.


It's your life; live it, love it, & celebrate it!

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