Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Better Life

"If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it, even if I did not have the ability in the beginning."

-- Mahatma Gandhi


Do you want a better life?  It’s waiting for you and it’s never too late to start.  A better life begins when you believe that it can happen and believe that you’re worthy of such a life.  God did not create you to live a mundane life.   Instead, he instilled in you great potential.   He also created a universe full of abundance.  The key is awareness.  You just need to develop a greater awareness of your potential and the abundance that surrounds.

Once you become aware, you have to believe it to be possible.  The beginning of all belief takes form in thought.   It’s important to understand that positive thoughts can only produce positive results, whereas negative thoughts can only produce negative results.  Keep in mind that you are responsible for your thoughts, nobody else!  No one can make you think a certain way.  If you’re currently getting negative results in your life, your thoughts are predominantly negative; plain and simple!  People, who refuse to accept ownership of the results that they’re getting in life, fail to understand that their results are a manifestation of their thoughts.  Lacking this understanding, they view themselves as a victim of circumstances; circumstances in which they have no control.  Consequently, they believe there is no better life.

Since we are the ones responsible for our thoughts, we get to choose how we think.  We not choose to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.  When we begin to believe that a better life is possible, we start attracting the things (abundance) that will move us in the direction of a better life.  You see, those things have always been out there; it’s just that our belief system never allowed us to be aware of them.  Believing there’s a better life, will create a new found awareness of all the possibilities/opportunities life has to offer.  Once you develop this awareness, you'll find that you have all the energy and resources that you need that leads to a better life.

So, choose to think positive thoughts.  Say to yourself repeatedly, "God created me as a unique person and I'm worthy of living a life of happiness and fulfillment."  Remember, a better life awaits you and it's just a thought away! 

It’s your life: live it, love it & celebrate it!

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