Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

"Other people are like a mirror which reflects back on us the image that we cast."

- Fulton J. Sheen

30-Second Timeout Talk:

When you look at other what do you see?  What are the things that you like or dislike about others?  You see, our view of the people in our world is actually a reflection of the way we view ourselves.

It’s easy to comprehend this notion when we see the positive traits in a person.  When we see the positive traits in others, it’s easy to embrace the concept that the positive traits we observe are a reflection of the traits we see in ourselves.  The concept is much more difficult to embrace when we see negative traits in others.   How could I possibly possess the same traits of people that annoy me? 

Look at it this way – our ego protects us from our true reality.  Nobody really wants to see them self in negative light.  It’s difficult to admit that we might have some work to do.  Hence, our ego projects these undesirable traits onto others.  You’re probably saying, “No way, I’m not like that.”  Oh but you are, you’re just not capable of seeing it because of projection.   Projection inhibits ownership!
You "can’t have your cake and eat it too": you can’t see a reflection of yourself in the people you admire and not see the reflection in those who annoy you.   If you want to see more positive reflections, embrace the fact that as humans we are imperfect – this includes you!  We all have work to do and growth should never stop.  No growth will ever occur until we take a good look at our life and take ownership of our shortcomings.  So the next time you have a negative reaction to someone don’t reflect and project;  instead, reflect and accept!

A mirror is an object that reflects an image of an object placed in front of it.  So when we look at others, remember that the reflection we see is intended to give us a glimpse of what our inner-self is really all about. 

Take a good, long, and deep look - Here’s to inner beauty!

It’s your life: Live it, Love it & Celebrate it!


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