Thursday, February 16, 2012

If Only You Believed in Miracles

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live as if everything is a miracle.
-- Albert Einstein


Just what is a miracle? A miracle is an extraordinary event in human affairs that is considered to be attributed to divine intervention. So do you believe in miracles? I do! Miracles happens everyday: the birth of a baby; the rising and setting of the sun; stars shining brightly at night; are to name but a few. Some will explain these incredible events as purely scientifically. Others will profess that there is nothing amazing about these events as they are common day occurrences.

I believe in a God who created the universe; including the sun, moon, stars, mountains, valleys, oceans and everything in it. Most importantly, I believe in a God who creates life by blowing the breath of life into each new born. Nature in itself is a miracle! Einstein tells us, “We can live our lives as nothing is a miracle or as if everything is a miracle.” The choice is ours. I believe in a God who performs miracles in our lives daily. Don’t be that person who takes the miracles in your life for granted or looks to science for an explanation. I’m choosing to live my life as if everything is a miracle and have yet to be disappointed. So I ask you, how will you live your life, as if nothing is a miracle or everything is a miracle?

It’s your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!


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