Monday, August 5, 2013

Living in Paradise

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.”
-- James Oppenheim

 A man jumped into a taxi cab. In order to pass the time during the ride, he began making small conversation with the driver. After a series of questions, the man asked the driver, “If you could live anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you live?” The taxi cab driver responded, “I’ve learned to live in my heart and live in the moment. So, it really does not matter where I reside. If I’m happy inside, then I live in paradise”

Where do you live – inside or outside? You’ll never live in paradise, if you seek it from the outside world. True, you may occasionally experience a glimpse paradise from the outside world, but you’ll never actually live in paradise. If you seek happiness from the outside world, you are relying on people, events and circumstances to make you happy. That’s not true happiness – that’s not living in paradise, that’s allowing external factors to dictate your happiness. Unfortunately, since you have little, if any, control over the outside world, you really don’t own your happiness – the outside world does.

Happiness is an inside job. When your happiness comes from within, you’ve taken up residency in paradise. Why, because you own it and being happy is paradise! It does not matter who you are with (people), where you are (events) or what is going on at the present time (circumstances), you control your happiness. It truly is a great place to be (paradise): to be happy and to know that you own it. Remember, when you live in paradise, it can’t be taken away from you unless you allow it. It’s inside and it’s yours.

So, you don’t have to live on the shores of an exotic island or a dream home nestled in the mountains to live in paradise. No, all you have to do is learn to live in your heart and live in the moment.

 Here’s to another day in paradise!

It's your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!