Thursday, October 3, 2013

School of Life

The PAST is where you learned the Lesson. The FUTURE is where you Apply the Lesson.

You've heard it said before, "knowledge is power."  Knowledge is not power.  Application of knowledge is power.  What good does it do for a person to acquire a wealth of knowledge, but do nothing with it?  One would not study for a test and then not take it.  Talk about the irony of it.  Somebody who possesses a wealth a knowledge would be considered "smart."  But, only a "fool" would possess such knowledge and do nothing with it. 

Knowledge comes from learning.  Learning comes from a lesson.  A lesson is intended to teach or instruct.  Life's greatest teacher is our own experiences.  Hence, we are all students in the "School of Life."  Being students, we get to go to school every day to acquire more knowledge.  Every day offers us a lesson or two about life, about ourselves, and about others.  Beware of leading such a hectic life that you either miss the lesson(s) to be learned or you are not paying attention to it.  Being good students, we need to do our homework, which covers the lesson(s) to be learned

So, here is your daily homework assignment: 

1) Set aside some time to reflect upon the day and think about the lesson(s) life has taught you.  Ask yourself, "What lesson(s) did I learn today."   There is a lesson or two, you just might have to spend a little time looking for it. 

2) (Keep a journal) and list the lesson(s) you've learned.  Note how the lesson(s) came about and how you feel about the lesson(s).  Note:  This could become a family keepsake for generations to come.

3) List how you will consistently apply the lesson(s) in your life.  

4) The most important part of your homework assignment is that you put it into action.

Don't be one of those students who does the homework (acquires the knowledge) but fails to turn it in (apply the knowledge), for only a "fool" would do something like that.

In the "School of Life" you can be a student for life and you can go to school as much as you wish.   So the opportunity to acquire knowledge from life's greatest teacher is limitless.  Take advantage of the lessons to be learned by doing your homework!   Remember, knowledge is simply knowledge; it’s the application of knowledge that is powerful!         

Always be a student, never stop learning, and never stop applying what you’ve learned, for if you do, I can pretty much assure you that your report card in the “School of Life” will have nothing but A’s.

It’s your life:  live it, love it & celebrate it!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Love Wins!

"What is love after all but trusting in the unknown."
- Marty Rubin

Love v Fear – Love wins every time!  

Love is our most powerful emotion.  It has the power to conquer fear any day, any time. One just has to trust it.  It’s trusting that love will prevail no matter what.  Love is hope; fear is dread. Love is freedom; fear is imprisonment.  Love creates opportunities, fear destroys opportunities. Love is peace of mind; fear is apprehensiveness.

I see people in relationships who do not tap into the power of love. There are so afraid of losing what they love, they are not able to harness the power of love. Instead, their focus becomes fear- based. Their actions are not motivated out of love, but out of the fear of losing love.  When fear goes unchecked, it can sabotage a relationship.  The Good Book reminds us that the thing we fear the most befalls us.  

Love is trusting in the unknown.   None of us really knows what today may bring and we certainly don’t know what tomorrow has in store for us.  In fact, we are not even guaranteed that there will be a tomorrow.  Tragedy strikes every day and none of us are immune to its consequences.  Death, loss, and impairment are all a part of life. Living in fear of things that can be taken away from us is like living in a prison cell.  You can never gain, if your focus is on what you have to lose.

So why does love win?  Love wins because love is a gift from God. Hence, the emotion of love is God created.  Whereas, the emotion of fear is man created.  We create our own fears - not God.  Love will always prevail - it is God given!

Love is trusting in the unknown.  It’s about casting aside doubt, fear, and trepidation. When you open your heart and are able trust in the unknown you’ll be able to harness the power of love.  And, when you harness the power of love, fear no longer has its grip on you.   Fear can always be cast aside by the power of love.  The power of love can never be cast aside by fear.   Why? Love is so much stronger!

If love and fear were able to square off in a boxing ring, you would hear at the end of the bout, “And still the undisputed champion of the world … LOVE!

So if you’re a betting person, and you have a choice between love and fear, always bet on love.  Why? Love wins, period!

It’s your life:  live it, love it & celebrate it!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Living in Paradise

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.”
-- James Oppenheim

 A man jumped into a taxi cab. In order to pass the time during the ride, he began making small conversation with the driver. After a series of questions, the man asked the driver, “If you could live anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you live?” The taxi cab driver responded, “I’ve learned to live in my heart and live in the moment. So, it really does not matter where I reside. If I’m happy inside, then I live in paradise”

Where do you live – inside or outside? You’ll never live in paradise, if you seek it from the outside world. True, you may occasionally experience a glimpse paradise from the outside world, but you’ll never actually live in paradise. If you seek happiness from the outside world, you are relying on people, events and circumstances to make you happy. That’s not true happiness – that’s not living in paradise, that’s allowing external factors to dictate your happiness. Unfortunately, since you have little, if any, control over the outside world, you really don’t own your happiness – the outside world does.

Happiness is an inside job. When your happiness comes from within, you’ve taken up residency in paradise. Why, because you own it and being happy is paradise! It does not matter who you are with (people), where you are (events) or what is going on at the present time (circumstances), you control your happiness. It truly is a great place to be (paradise): to be happy and to know that you own it. Remember, when you live in paradise, it can’t be taken away from you unless you allow it. It’s inside and it’s yours.

So, you don’t have to live on the shores of an exotic island or a dream home nestled in the mountains to live in paradise. No, all you have to do is learn to live in your heart and live in the moment.

 Here’s to another day in paradise!

It's your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Measure of Success

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson


POINT TO PONDER:  True success cannot be measured by the size of your home, the size of your car, the size of your wallet or the size of your portfolio.  True success can only be measured by the size of your heart!

Gotta go - got some cardio to do!

It's your life: live it, love it & celebrate it!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's Your Choice

"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."

-- Groucho Marx

POINT TO PONDER: The Good Lord gave man (woman) dominion over animals (Genesis 1:26).  What separates man from animal is free will.  Free will is choice.  Unlike animals, whose behavior is primarly dictated by instinct or genetic code, we are free to choose.  If you're an unhappy person, you've chosen your unhappiness.   You have allowed (chosen) negative events in your past to dictate your present state.  Our future is dictated by our present state.   If your present state is negative, unfortunately, you’re choosing to create a negative future.  So here is how it works:  A focus on a Negative past = Negative present = Negative Future.   Remember, your present will eventually become your past and your future will become your present.   It is a cyclical pattern.  So, I ask: Why not focus on a the good things in your life, both past and present?

Today is the day to stop the cycle of negativity.   While all of us will face adversity, it is how we choose to respond to the adversity that counts.  Remember, today will become our yesterday and tomorrow will become our today.  So, why not choose happiness today?  You can start by choosing to count how you have been blessed, both past and present.   The choices you make today will eventually determine what has happened to you , what is happening, and what will happen to you.      

The Good Lord gave mankind a gift; free will!  It is about time we start using it to our advantage!

Choose Happy! 

It's your life: live it, love it & celebrate it!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Getting to the Top

"There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." 
-- Anonymous


POINT TO PONDER: There is no substitute for hard work. Don't look for the elevator; Take the stairs! Besides, you'll be in much better shape when you reach the top.

It’s your life: live it, love it & celebrate it


Friday, June 7, 2013

When Others Are Sleeping

“Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't.”
~ Jerry Rice
Do you want to get to the head of the class?  Do you want to be on top of your game?  Well, in order to do so you have to be willing to do the work.  If you want to outshine the competition, then you have to outwork the competition.  I recently told a group of junior high athletes, “Those that are successful are working when everyone else is sleeping.”   That statement was met with, “Coach does that really mean when everyone else has gone to bed, I have to be practicing.”   The answer is - practically yes, literally no.   It means that you’re willing to work harder than others.  It means that you have to be more dedicated, disciplined, and passionate about what you do than others.  It means when others find reasons not to do something you find reason to do it.  It means when others have had enough you can’t get enough.  There are no shortcuts to success.  There is no magic formula and being “lucky” does not cut it.   You can ask anyone who has achieved a degree of success and they will tell you there is no substitute for hard work.  The legendary coach, Vince Lombardi said it best, "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." 

If you want to be successful then I encourage you to ask yourself this question each morning when you arise: What am I going to do today that others won’t? 

I just answered that question – it just might be a late night! 

It's your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

More or Less?

“We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood… until we have stop saying, "it got lost", and say, "I lost it."”
-- Sydney Harris

How come when things seem to go bad for us we have a tendency to place the blame on God and when good things happen to us we have a tendency to forget about God and take the credit.  How about a little change of perspective?  Instead, when things go bad, try accepting responsibility and when good things happen, try giving thanks to God.  Changing your perspective just might mean you’ll experience more of the good things in life and less of the bad things.   

Bad things happen to all us.  No one is immune!  Some negative events are well beyond our control.  In those situations, it’s not the event that really matters (because we lack control), but they way we respond to the event that counts.   However, most negative events that take place in our lives are by our own doing; it’s our errors and omissions, resulting from poor judgment.  Often times, our reaction is, “Why me God, why me?”  If you look to place the blame on God or anyone else for that matter, you’re not in a position to change your circumstances.  Consequently, bad things will continue to happen to you because you’ve come to believe that you lack control.   In order to make a change, you must accept responsibility for your decisions and the consequences thereof. 

Once you learn to accept responsibility for a negative event that you’ve created, the next step is to forgive yourself.  You are human!  And yes, all humans make mistakes.  The Good Lord gave us free will; the ability to choose so that we are not bound solely by a genetic pattern.  With free will comes mistakes – mistakes in judgment.  Mistakes are actually lessons; lessons to be learned!  So by instilling in us free will, the Good Lord allows us to grow, although sometimes painfully, through our mistakes.  Just think, if you did not make mistakes and learn the lesson(s) therein,  there really would not be much growth - now would there?

The Good Lord wants us to prosper.  Although, he is not going to do it for us – remember, “free will.”   We serve a loving, good, and abundant God.  Being an abundant God, God sets many of opportunities before us.  It is up to us to be vigilant to recognize these opportunities and use the talents God has given to us to make the most of any opportunity.   So when good things happen to you remember the one who set the stage for you!  When good things happen and you practice gratitude, you actually begin to attract more positive things in your life.  Gratitude is positive energy.  Positive energy produces positive results. 

There you have it - a change in perspective means a change in outcomes.  Accept responsibility and learn from the negative events you have created and you’ll experience less negative events.  When good things happen to you, practice gratitude and praise God for his abundance and you’ll experience more abundance.   So, if you want more of what you want and less of what you don’t want, try changing the way you think about things. 

Now, that’s really something to think about!    

It’s your life:  live it, love it & celebrate it!


Friday, May 31, 2013

Donations Please!

“The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation."
~Corrie Boom

POINT TO PONDER:  What you get out of life is in direct proportion to what you put into life.   You do not have control over the duration of your life, but you do have control over what you donate to life.   Once a person fully understands that they are where they are at in their  life because of their own doing, they begin to harness the power to create the life they wish to attain.   The theory is pretty simplistic, yet it can be life-changing:  Donate positive, get positive; donate negative, get negative; donate much, get much; donate little, get little! 

So my question to you is:  What type of donation will you make today?

It’s your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

You Just Might Be The Answer

“In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance.”
 - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

POINT TO PONDER:  Whose prayer will you answer?

There is no doubt that there is power in prayer.  The Good Book tells us, "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22)  Often times, the Good Lord will answers our prayers through the acts of others.   Always remember, in the end, the Good Lord just might say to us, “ I did my part in answering your prayers;  now, tell me how many prayers did you help me answer?” 

Today is the day to begin going to work on answering the prayers of others.  There are people in need all around us.  People who need financial support, emotional support, physical support, and social support.  They may even need something as small as a friendly smile.  Now is the time to take off our proverbial “blinders” and begin looking to those in need.  

Today is the day to be the answer to someone’s prayer.  Can I get a big AMEN?

It's your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Burn Baby Burn!

Whenever you see darkness, there is extraordinary opportunity for the light to burn brighter."
- Bono

POINT TO PONDER:  Look about you and determine where your light should burn a little brighter.   

When one candle lights another, instantaneously the light becomes brighter.  Two lit candles produce more light and more energy than one.  Today, look for someone in need and light their candle with your light.  Remember a candle does not lose its light by lighting another candle.

Keep your light burning brightly!
It's your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Extra Mile

“There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.”

- Roger Staubach

Just how come there are no traffic jams along the extra mile?  It’s because not many people are traveling the extra mile.  They’re not traveling the extra mile because they’re not willing to put forth the extra time and effort to travel the extra mile.  Instead, they settle for taking the same old route everyday, yet complain about the traffic jams they encounter.   Just like getting stuck in a traffic jam, they get stuck in life.  Getting stuck in a traffic jam is no fun and getting stuck in life is even worse. 

If you’re willing to travel the extra mile, keep in mind that initially you’ll likely discover adversity, fear, and disappointment.  However, if you continue with your course, adversity will give way to opportunity, fear will give way to faith, and disappointment will give way to satisfaction.  Keep in mind, when you arrive at the end of the extra mile you’ll find success.  You can’t travel the extra mile and not arrive at: Destination Success!  Remember, regardless of your outcome(s), when you arrive you’ll be successful.  True success is not measured by outcomes; it’s measured by the person one becomes because of the process.  

There is a reason why there are no traffic jams along the extra mile.  There just aren’t enough people willing to travel it.  When someone is willing to travel the extra mile while others are not, it says something about that person.  It tells me that they are in the process of becoming a better person.  You can’t come face to face with fear and overcome adversity and disappointment and not become a better person in the process.  So remember this as you embark upon the extra mile, you can’t travel its course and not end up in a better place! 

Destination Success – Here We Come!  Hope to see you on the Extra Mile!

It’s your life: live it, love it and celebrate it!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Right Ingredient

"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings."

-- William Arthur Ward

POINT TO PONDER:  Just as a dish can go from bland to delectable by adding the right ingredient, your life can be transformed by adding the right ingredient too.  The right ingredient is gratitude.   So, if you want to make a common, routine and ordinary life something special, just try adding a little gratitude. 

Mm-Mm Good!

It's your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Firm Foundation

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”
- David Brinkley 

Unfortunately, people like to throw bricks. No matter what you do or say, or don’t do or say for that matter, people will hurl bricks at you. There will always be people who will complain about you, criticize you, and condemn you. I encourage you to resist the urge to throw bricks back at the “brick throwers.” A counter-attack by you, makes you no better than those who throw bricks at you.

Brinkley tells us that bricks can be used to build a firm foundation. By not throwing bricks back at the “brick throwers”, you’re demonstrating good character. You’re exemplifying poise, self-confidence, discipline and tolerance. These qualities are key traits in developing and maintaining good character. Remember, a truly successful person is grounded (foundation) in good character. Don’t be a “brick thrower.” Use the bricks thrown at you to build a firm foundation. And, if you struggle from time to time with your foundation, you can always call on the Master Architect – He created the universe, just think what he can do for you!

It’s your life: live it, love it and celebrate it!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Choices, Choices, Choices

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.”
 -  Denis Waitley

We make lots and lots of choices each day!  What did you decide to wear today?  What did have for breakfast?  What will you do this evening?  Most of the choices we make are routine choices.  They’re decisions we make that don’t require much thought.  Occasionally, we’ll find ourselves in a situation where we have to make a choice that can be life-changing.   Most times, these are difficult decisions that require significant time, research and analysis.  If we only had a crystal ball or even the slightest glimpse into the future, just think how much easier and less stressful it would be on us when making a choice.

All of us are faced with having to make the exact same choice every day.  To most, It’s a  choice that they won’t give any thought to.  Unfortunately for those people, they don’t recognize it is the most important choice they’re going to make for the day.  Each day, we all must choose whether we are going to accept conditions as they exist or will we accept the responsibility for changing them? 

If you’re looking to make some changes in your life (conditions), the only way to do so is to make a conscious choice to do so.   Don’t allow the most important choice you’re going to make each day to become just another routine choice.  Instead, today is the day to make the choice to commit to asking yourself each morning when you arise, “Am I a going to accept conditions as they are or am I going to accept responsibility for changing them?”   If you want to live a happier and more fulfilled life, to me, the choice is quite clear!

It's your life: live it, love it,& celebrate it!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Different Look

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.

- Wayne W. Dyer

Life is a matter of perspective!  How is it that two people can experience the exact same thing, yet come away with a completely different experience?  It is not the event/circumstance that determines the experience it is the way you look at the event/circumstance that gives it its meaning: positive or negative, significant or insignificant, fulfilling or unfulfilling, etc.   

So, if you really want things in your life to change, you must first change the way you look at things.   You can do this by recognizing that no matter what event/circumstance you’re enduring, others have it much worse than you.  When, you decide to look at your event/circumstance this way, it puts things in perspective.   Recognizing that others are enduring much more significant pain, loss, anxiety, and discomfort puts an immediate end to your “pity party.”

Next, stop telling yourself, “I have to” and start telling yourself, “I get to.”   When you have to do something it is an obligation.  When you get to do something it is a privilege.  You don’t “have to” go to work, you “get to” go to work.  Think of all the people who are struggling to find a job, they would love the privilege of earning a day’s wages.  You don’t “have to” clean the house, you “get to” clean the house.  Think of the homeless, wishing for one night’s sleep in a comfortable bed with a roof above their head, or the person confined to a wheelchair who would love to have the opportunity to clean the house just one more time. I hope your getting the picture.

And finally, if you’ve been playing the victim role, its time to give it up.  Absent events that are completely outside of your control, which are few and far between, you are responsible for your decisions and consequences in your life.  When you’re a victim, you’re not capable of changing the way you look at things.  Why?  Because, a victim believes they’re helpless to the events/circumstance occurring around them.  When you stop playing the victim role, you’ll soon find yourself in a position to change the way you look at things. And, when you change the way you look at things, things change!   

So there you have it, life is a matter of perspective!  Your perspective!  So if your life does not seem to be measuring up right now, maybe it is about time to change the way you look at things. 

I urge you to try a different look – you just might be surprised at what you find!

It’s your life: live it, love it & celebrate it!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Mouth Management

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. 
~ Attributed to Plato


The wise are adept at managing their mouth.  They know when to speak, what to say, and how to say it.  The foolish, on the other hand, have a reckless mouth.  They speak out of selfishness.  Feeling compelled to hear themselves speak, their timing, content and/or presentation is ineffective.  Remember, The Good Book tells us, “Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble” (Proverbs 21:23).   Today, be like the wise and start managing your mouth.  I ask you: the next time you speak will you have something to say or will you have to say something?

It's your life: live it, love it & celebrate it!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Problem Solved

Believe that problems do have answers, that they can be overcome, and that we can solve them.
~Norman Vincent Peale

George Dantzig was a doctoral student at University of California, Berkely in 1939.  Having overslept for his statistics class, he walked into class late and noticed two statistical problems on the blackboard.  Unbeknown to him, the problems were open questions ( a problem that can be accurately stated, but has yet to been solved).  The two problems had stumped several of the greatest mathematicians throughout the years.  Dantzig thought that the “homework” problems were a little more difficult than usual, but nonetheless set out to complete the “homework assignment.”  Dantzig completed the “homework assignment and apologized to his professor for taking so to complete the assignment.  A few weeks later, Dantzig was contacted by an overly excited professor who advised Dantzig that he had just solved one of the most famous unsolved problems in field of statistics and that he had prepared Dantzig's solution for publication in a mathematical journal. 

George Dantzig admitted that had he known that the two problems were considered unsolvable problems, he never would have attempted to solve them.  He would have thought that since several “great minds” were unable to solve the problems, why should he try. 

POINT TO PONDER:  Problems do have answers, even one’s that are thought to be open problems (unsolvable).  Relationship problems, work problems, financial problems do have answers.  All problems have answers; you just have to believe there is an answer and go to work on solving it. Dantzig was able to solve a problem that was considered unsolvable because he did not allow negative thinking to dissuade him from trying.  All too often, when we face difficult situations in our life, we allow negative thinking to dictate our outcomes: “it’s too hard,” “it will never work,” or “nothing ever changes.”  This type of thinking only perpetuates the problem.  Plain and simple, we don’t solve many of our problems because we don’t believe we can.  Lacking belief, we develop and adaptive style and allow a problem to plague us until we finally decide do something about it.  Most times, people do nothing about a problem but complain.  Complaining is negative thinking that only manifests itself in maintaining status quo.  I have never heard of a problem being solved by complaining. 

Problems do have answers!  They are solved with positive thinking.  So the next time one of those (unsolvable) problems creep into your life, I want you to remember George Dantzig and how he solved the unsolvable problem.  Dantzig solved the problem because he believed that he could.  When you believe you’re capable of doing something, you’ll find yourself in a world where nothing is unsolvable. 

Problem(s) Solved!

Its your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Love Heals All Wounds

“I’ve learned that love, not time, heals all wounds.”
-- Andy Rooney

I know people who have been carrying around a grudge for a long, long time.   It is evident that time has not healed their wounds.  Somebody said something, did not say something, did something, or did not do something that has forever changed a relationship.  People expect that time will take care of things.  It does not!  Time does not really heal.  Time has a way of repressing things, but the hurt, disappointment, and/or rejection never completely go away with time alone.    

Time by itself does not heal a wound.  The prescription for healing a wound is the right amount of time and a strong dose of love.  If you feel that someone has done you wrong,  you’ll never fully heal until you find it in your heart to forgive.  True forgiveness is an act of love.  I do not subscribe to the old cliché “forgive and forget.”  I don’t believe that you can ever forget that a hurtful act took place, but if you truly forgive the person, then the act becomes insignificant. 

With 10 days into the new year we’ve had time to say good-bye to 2012.  Hopefully, we’ve welcomed 2013 with hopes and dreams for a better year.  It’s not possible to have a better year with old wounds that have yet to heal.  This year, I encourage you to add forgiveness to your New Years Resolution list - it's not too late.  There are so many things in life that we do not have control over.  But, one thing is for sure, we have control over home much love we wish to spread.  This year identify people in your life that you need to forgive and go to work on forgiving them.   You have the power to create a win/win situation; forgive someone and I guarantee you that you’ll make two people feel better in the process.

Remember, it is love that really heals all wounds!

It's your life: live it, love it, & celebrate it!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Leaving the Harbor

"A ship is safe in the harbor, but that is not what ships are built for."
- John A. Shedd

A ship is meant to travel, be it with people or goods.  On some days a ship will meet turbulent seas, while on other days, the seas are idly calm.  Nonetheless, it is when a ship leaves the harbor that it fulfills it's purpose.   Like a ship, you won't be able to fulfill your purpose, if you never leave your harbor.  You'll never find new adventures or great opportunities if you're not willing to set sail. 

Today, pick something that will take you out of your comfort zone (the harbor).  You don't have to journey too far.  Just the willingness to leave the harbor marks the  beginning of the realization of your hopes, dreams, and desires. 

You're the captain of your own ship and you can take it anywhere you desire.  You were built for success.  However, like a ship, you cannot fulfill your purpose if you're not willing to leave the safety of the harbor.

In the words of Mark Twain," So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover."

Bon voyage!

Its your life: live it, love it & celebrate it!
